Street View

Tackle World Tully

Tully is the main business and fishing centre for the Cardwell Shire. The Tackle World Tully store is located in the main street of Tully and has a large range of all camping, snorkelling, spearfishing, archery, firearms, fly fishing and all the rods, reels, tackle, and lures needed to catch a fish anywhere in the region. From the huge Barra in Lake Tinaroo, fly fishing the freshwater for Sooties and Jungle Perch, to the bottom bouncing and light tackle Bill Fishing from the golden beaches and the idyllic family group of islands and out to the continental shelf - we have all your needs as well as expert advice and local knowledge to help you enjoy your stay in this rich and diverse ‘family friendly’ area. Services: Reel & rod repairs in-store, line winding, custom rods.